Posts Tagged ‘art’

On Being Creative…

In December of 2011, a group of seven quilters formed the “Creative Conglomeration” and for the next 11 months offered up challenges based on color. Some of the challenges were basic (use seven shades of green), and some were very specific (use this piece of fabric and the theme is…). I had a ball completing each of the challenges – even though I was lucky to meet the deadlines! Fast forward to October 2013 – Nine friends decide to take a trip to MA to hear a lecture and trunk show by Victoria Findley Wolfe – we were in awe…. Read more »

The Finished Project!

Today we celebrated 25 years of Messiah Lutheran’s ministry in Amherst NH! It was a great day of celebration with wonderful music, the Bishop preached and we had a wonderful luncheon! Old and new friends were there and it felt like everyone had a great time! A lot of hard work went into today – there was cleaning done, painting done and LOTS of planning done! We also had the liturgical banner Connie, Trudi and I have been working on for the past eleven months dedicated. It felt so good to see it hanging and people ohhhing and ahhhing over… Read more »

A Journey’s End…

It started about 8 years ago. I was at Camp Calumet and saw a poster on one of the bulletin boards that was a picture of a mural that artist David Hetland created at the 2003 ELCA Youth Gathering in Atlanta, GA. It was love at first site. I kept thinking, I want to reproduce that in fabric! I even dreamt about it! Finally I got up the courage to ask for the poster…and it was MINE! Fast forward to 2006…my husband (a Lutheran Pastor) accepts a call to Messiah Lutheran Church in Amherst NH. After a while of settling… Read more »

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