
Here Am I. Send Me! – (How to Love the Grieving at Christmas)

I first saw Jodi’s blog through a friend of mine on Facebook. Jodi is a widow, like me. Her words are often a comfort to me and today’s post was perfect. I thought I was doing okay this holiday season, but tonight after Advent worship, I realized I’m not. Please read Jodi’s post about How to Love the Grieving at Christmas. Like I said, it’s perfect. I’ll be okay, I have good friends to care for me nearby and family that I talk with frequently. Reach out to someone you know who’s grieving this holiday season and let them know… Read more »

“Did you ever try to catch a falling leaf?”

Indulge me if you will… Thirty-nine years ago I received this letter from my boyfriend (who would later become my husband of 34 years). We had been dating (long distance) for about seven months when he wrote it. Neither one of us had a license or a car at the time, so we wrote to each other…a lot! He was an amazing writer, even as an eighteen year old.  November 19, 1978 Lisa, Did you ever try to catch a falling leaf? I mean, did you ever, as you just walked along the street on a fall day, think that… Read more »


Let’s face it, we all want it, even crave it. For someone to say, “You did a great job!” or “I’m so glad you were there for me.” I love it when a customer sees his or her quilt for the first time after I’ve finished quilting it – such joy on their faces! Makes me feel good about my profession. But we need affirmation in our regular lives too, not just on the job. My husband Tom was very conservative when it came to PDA (Public Display of Affection). When we first started dating, I was 15 and was… Read more »

It’s a daily struggle

I struggle with posting about dealing with my grief, part of me says these are quilty people, they don’t want to hear it and another part says, these are also my friends who care about me and how I’m doing. Well if you’re still with me now, I’ll tell you how I’m doing. I’m struggling. I spent ten days with family and friends celebrating my nephew’s wedding in Colorado. Five days in Colorado and 5 days in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. It was a lovely time with a lot of laughter and a few tears. The wedding was beautiful in… Read more »

“As a novice quilter, I love how my quilts look after Lisa’s done with them. And all my mistakes remain a secret with her! ”
—Suzanne, customer since 2006

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