
Rising from the ashes…

Okay, so that might be a little dramatic, but that’s really what it feels like. I haven’t sewn much of anything for about a year. Between Covid-19 and just general apathy I haven’t really felt creative at all, but yesterday afternoon I saw a pattern I had purchased to make my great nephew a quilt and something stirred inside of me…am I ready? Yep, I was! I started picking fabrics and fell back in love with piecing! I may have been a little concerned that I would be rusty after so long, but I still got it! So I’m back… Read more »

QuiltCon 2019 (part one)

The Modern Quilt Guild holds a quilt show each year – one year on the West Coast, the other on/or near the East Coast. This year it was held February 21 – 23 in Nashville TN and I joined my friends from NH for five days and four nights of quilt related FUN! Here is my review… First off, I would like to publicly ask the Modern Quilt Guild to please change the time of year the show is held! Traveling from the North East in February can be a nightmare! My first flight out of Newark was cancelled but… Read more »

On the frame July 7, 2017

Worked on this delightful quilt today! Pieced by Carolanne, the fabrics are Carolyn Freidlander, the thread is Superior Omni in Silver, the batting is Hobbs 80/20 and the pantograph is “Water World” from Willow Leaf Studio. Hand guided quilting.

On The Frame June 13, 2017

Quilt made by Susie Boots (@sboots812 on Instagram). Dimensions are 101″ x 108″. Pattern is Downtown Cabins from the book [amazon_link asins=’1617450308′ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’lisaspage’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’956ca4c0-52db-11e7-8bd1-f9f963daed32′] The fabrics are Kona Solids. Batting is Hobbs 80/20. Thread is Superior Omni in Natural White. Pantograph is Uptown by Urban Elementz. Loved quilting this quilt!

Off the frame!

I finished up this beauty by Eileen today — Lots of straight line quilting in the white areas and a flowery fill in the brightly colored fabric squares! Very fun to work on. Hobbs 80/20 batting, Superior Omni thread in Orange Peel and Natural White.


Today is a bad day. I’m trying, really trying but it’s still a bad day. I don’t know what makes today different, I seemed to be okay yesterday. But today…today is hard. It’s been 10 days since my husband died…is that a significant number? Is 10 days the amount of days for everything to sink in? Or is that just “my” special number? Will day number 11 be easier? I feel as if I’m wandering…my mind is wandering my body is wandering. My anchor is gone and I’m floating aimlessly. I know in my heart this will get better, but… Read more »

ICYMI (In Case You Missed It!)

April was a pretty spectacular month here at Garden Gate Quilting! MQX Quilt Festivals was held April 6-9, 2016 and I was lucky enough to take two great classes and volunteer a boatload of hours! On Sunday the 3rd and Monday the 4th I worked with the photography team photographing every quilt that would hang at the show - 1,783 photos of 420 quilts! It was so cool to get to see them all up close and personal! The workmanship was amazing! Plus the photography team headed by Jeffrey and Cricket Lomicka is the best! On Tuesday I got to help out… Read more »

Does it Work???

Have you ever watched one of those “consumer reports” segments on the news and think, I want to do that? No? Neither did I, but it happened anyway! My husband Tom saw an “As Seen on TV” infomercial for the Car Cane and was wondering if it actually worked or not. We were out shopping one night and he pointed it out to me. Tom has Parkinson’s Disease, and sometimes has some trouble getting in and out of the car. It was $14.99 which both us us didn’t want to spend on something we had no idea if it worked… Read more »

Books and Products I love!!

Each year I promise myself that I will get better at blogging and do it more often, this is my attempt for 2016! I’m going to start out with a post about my favorite quilting books and products that I use. Check them out and feel free to leave a comment on your favorite quilting book or product! I don’t have a huge library of quilting books, I tend to borrow from friends! But I will say the books I’m listing below with links are ones I have purchased and LOVE! I am part of Amazon’s associate program so if… Read more »

“I know I told you when I picked it up but it bears saying again… I love the quilting you did on it. It’s beautiful. I’ve received a lot of compliments. So thank you again for a great job! ”
—Denise, customer since 2016

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