

Let’s face it, we all want it, even crave it. For someone to say, “You did a great job!” or “I’m so glad you were there for me.” I love it when a customer sees his or her quilt for the first time after I’ve finished quilting it – such joy on their faces! Makes me feel good about my profession. But we need affirmation in our regular lives too, not just on the job. My husband Tom was very conservative when it came to PDA (Public Display of Affection). When we first started dating, I was 15 and was… Read more »

I’ll always be with you.

I was at a quilt retreat this weekend. For those of you who have no idea what that is, it’s when a group of quilters get together and rent out a venue and eat, drink, sew, and laugh. I had a great time with friends who take good care of me (even when I’m sick!). I got a couple of things accomplished, (wish I had done more, but whatever.) and started some new things. At the end of the retreat (which was in beautiful Kennebunk, ME) a group of us walked downtown and crossed the bridge into Kennebunkport to do… Read more »

Does it Work???

Have you ever watched one of those “consumer reports” segments on the news and think, I want to do that? No? Neither did I, but it happened anyway! My husband Tom saw an “As Seen on TV” infomercial for the Car Cane and was wondering if it actually worked or not. We were out shopping one night and he pointed it out to me. Tom has Parkinson’s Disease, and sometimes has some trouble getting in and out of the car. It was $14.99 which both us us didn’t want to spend on something we had no idea if it worked… Read more »

A New Machine!!

But first, a brief history of my sewing machines…. 1984 – I inherit my mother’s no-name sewing machine. (my dad was friends with an import/exporter so I have no idea where it came from, probably called a Zinger or something like that.) 1988 – Sears Kenmore – my mother’s machine just died…stopped working. Gave it to a friend for her sister who’s house had burned down – her husband oiled it and it ran fine…who knew?!? 2002 – I want a Papillon. Husband says no more pets. I put my name in at the shelter saying if they ever get… Read more »

The Lake

My husband’s family owns a house on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Tom’s grandfather had the house built almost 75 years ago and it truly is a family treasure. It’s not a huge house, there is no beach front, but it’s our place of refuge. This weekend (Columbus Day weekend) marks the 31st year I’ve been coming here! I still remember that first weekend…I didn’t really know Tom’s family well and the first night here I heard my first loon call…for those of you who have never heard a loon call it is an eerie sound…especially at night…at a place… Read more »

Creative Mojo with Mark Lipinski!

I’m going to be a guest on Mark Lipinski’s internet radio show! Tune in on Wednesday, October 6th between 3pm and 5pm (eastern time). We’ll be talking about why I prefer my smaller quilt guild to the larger one I joined when I moved to New Hampshire. Mark is always a lot of fun and I’m really looking forward to it! If you’d like to listen go to Creative Mojo and click on “Listen Live”. If you get a chance to listen, please let me know what you thought!! See you then.

Quilt Retreats!

Does your quilt guild offer retreats? Have you gone on one? From my own experience, I highly recommend you attend one! Our guild retreats are held twice a year – once in September and once in February. They’re not too expensive ($110 – $240) and if you’re well enough prepared, you can get a LOT done! What do you do on retreats? Well, here’s what we do: our retreat center allows us to show up at 10am on Friday (and the majority of us do), we move tables around and set up cutting and ironing stations. We’ve had as many… Read more »


So I decided to get serious (well mostly serious) about my health and weight…on Saturday it was gorgeous out so I decided to take a walk. It was a 40 minute walk – got my heart rate up and sweated (did I mention I hate to sweat?!?). Sunday and Monday were pretty hot days, so I didn’t make an effort (unless you consider shopping exercise!). Tuesday is my quilt group day so instead of exercising, we ate! Wednesday I walked again (at the urging of René). René told me, do it! you’ll feel good about yourself! So I did…and surprisingly,… Read more »

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