Posts Tagged ‘cabin fever’

On The Frame June 13, 2017

Quilt made by Susie Boots (@sboots812 on Instagram). Dimensions are 101″ x 108″. Pattern is Downtown Cabins from the book [amazon_link asins=’1617450308′ template=’ProductGrid’ store=’lisaspage’ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’956ca4c0-52db-11e7-8bd1-f9f963daed32′] The fabrics are Kona Solids. Batting is Hobbs 80/20. Thread is Superior Omni in Natural White. Pantograph is Uptown by Urban Elementz. Loved quilting this quilt!

“As a novice quilter, I love how my quilts look after Lisa’s done with them. And all my mistakes remain a secret with her! ”
—Suzanne, customer since 2006

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