Posts Tagged ‘quilt backing’

A Word (or two) About Quilt Backings….part I

Recently I’ve had a couple of quilts show up at my doorstep with backings (linings some call them) that have issues so I thought this might be a good place to discuss it. Now keep in mind, if you use another machine quilter you may want to check with them for what they require – this is based on my requirements. Your backing fabric needs to be at least 5″ larger than your quilt on all four sides. That means if your quilt is 80″ by 90″ your backing fabric (at the very least) needs to be 90″ by 100″…. Read more »

“I know I told you when I picked it up but it bears saying again… I love the quilting you did on it. It’s beautiful. I’ve received a lot of compliments. So thank you again for a great job! ”
—Denise, customer since 2016

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