The Lake
My husband’s family owns a house on Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire. Tom’s grandfather had the house built almost 75 years ago and it truly is a family treasure. It’s not a huge house, there is no beach front, but it’s our place of refuge.
This weekend (Columbus Day weekend) marks the 31st year I’ve been coming here! I still remember that first weekend…I didn’t really know Tom’s family well and the first night here I heard my first loon call…for those of you who have never heard a loon call it is an eerie sound…especially at night…at a place you’ve never been before. But the fun part was after hearing the call, my soon to be father-in-law replied to the loon with his own loon call. Now that was something!
So here I sit in the living room at the lake house listening to the loons call and am thankful for this wonderful place…I hope you have a family place that you love like this.
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