Posts Tagged ‘jacquie gering’

Modern Quilt Guild Swap Quilt

I signed up for the Modern Quilt Guild‘s swap last year. It was in September or October, but since I’m deadline oriented (procrastinator) I didn’t think about it again until last month when I got the “penultimate nag email”. I had an idea of what I wanted to make, but wasn’t sure and quiet frankly my creativity level is at a pretty low point right now. So Yesterday I went into my sewing room and started to think. As Pooh would say, “think, think, think” while tapping his cranium. My friend Susie was working on a really cool one (follow… Read more »

Books and Products I love!!

Each year I promise myself that I will get better at blogging and do it more often, this is my attempt for 2016! I’m going to start out with a post about my favorite quilting books and products that I use. Check them out and feel free to leave a comment on your favorite quilting book or product! I don’t have a huge library of quilting books, I tend to borrow from friends! But I will say the books I’m listing below with links are ones I have purchased and LOVE! I am part of Amazon’s associate program so if… Read more »

“The quilting is just gorgeous! ”
—Theresa, customer since 2006

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