Posts Tagged ‘quilting’

Rising from the ashes…

Okay, so that might be a little dramatic, but that’s really what it feels like. I haven’t sewn much of anything for about a year. Between Covid-19 and just general apathy I haven’t really felt creative at all, but yesterday afternoon I saw a pattern I had purchased to make my great nephew a quilt and something stirred inside of me…am I ready? Yep, I was! I started picking fabrics and fell back in love with piecing! I may have been a little concerned that I would be rusty after so long, but I still got it! So I’m back… Read more »

On the frame July 7, 2017

Worked on this delightful quilt today! Pieced by Carolanne, the fabrics are Carolyn Freidlander, the thread is Superior Omni in Silver, the batting is Hobbs 80/20 and the pantograph is “Water World” from Willow Leaf Studio. Hand guided quilting.

On (and off!) the frame – June 22, 2017

The beautiful kaleidoscope quilt took Ellen 6 years to piece! And she did such a good job of it! All batiks (front and back)! Swirled Feather pantograph (by Beany Girl Quilts), Hobbs 80/20 batting and Superior Omni thread in Sesame Seed.

Are You a Perfectionist?

I am not. That’s not to say I don’t put out quality work, I just won’t sit there and tear out a seam 45 times and re-sew it until it’s perfect. Not gonna do it. Which brings me to this blog post. I have a granddaughter now (Elsa), she was born on December 27 of last year and of course she’s the best granddaughter ever. Last month we spent Thanksgiving with my son (Erik) and daughter-in-law (Sarah) and of course the baby Elsa. Erik asked me if I could send his and Sarah’s Christmas stockings to them and I immediately… Read more »

Have you been challenged???

My friend Marie of Marie’s Creative Space loves a challenge! And her challenges sometimes turn into my challenges, because she asks me to quilt some of her challenge quilts! Recently I quilted her quilt for the Hoffman Challenge and while it didn’t win, it was picked to be part of their traveling exhibit! Pretty cool, huh? On this quilt I tried to mimic the fabric in the solid fabrics. And around the 3-D flowers in the center was a simple background fill to make the flowers “pop!” Then there was the Modern Quilt Guild‘s “Michael Miller Challenge” where we were… Read more »

A New Machine!!

But first, a brief history of my sewing machines…. 1984 – I inherit my mother’s no-name sewing machine. (my dad was friends with an import/exporter so I have no idea where it came from, probably called a Zinger or something like that.) 1988 – Sears Kenmore – my mother’s machine just died…stopped working. Gave it to a friend for her sister who’s house had burned down – her husband oiled it and it ran fine…who knew?!? 2002 – I want a Papillon. Husband says no more pets. I put my name in at the shelter saying if they ever get… Read more »

A Journey’s End…

It started about 8 years ago. I was at Camp Calumet and saw a poster on one of the bulletin boards that was a picture of a mural that artist David Hetland created at the 2003 ELCA Youth Gathering in Atlanta, GA. It was love at first site. I kept thinking, I want to reproduce that in fabric! I even dreamt about it! Finally I got up the courage to ask for the poster…and it was MINE! Fast forward to 2006…my husband (a Lutheran Pastor) accepts a call to Messiah Lutheran Church in Amherst NH. After a while of settling… Read more »

Smart Phones and Quilting

Okay, I admit it. I. am. a. geek. I love technology! It probably takes me away from sewing/quilting WAY too much, but I still love it! This weekend it made my life just a little bit easier! I have a droid smart phone. It’s an older one but still quite a step up from my Krazer! I couple of weeks ago I downloaded and app from the App Store that is put out by Robert Kaufman Fabrics and Quilters Paradise. It’s called QuiltingCalc. QuiltingCalc has an assortment of quilting calculators to help you figure out all sorts of problems encountered… Read more »

A Word (or two) About Quilt Backings…Part II

To wash or not to wash, that is the question….every quilter has an opinion on whether or not to wash their fabrics before sewing. I do. I’m not saying you have to but I do recommend that if you washed all the fabrics in the top, you should probably wash the fabric for the back! But….if you’re not going to wash the fabric for your backing, at least iron out that crease that is formed from the fabric sitting on the bolt. If I load a backing fabric and it has a crease in it, I will spray it with… Read more »

“The quilting is just gorgeous! ”
—Theresa, customer since 2006

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